Highwater Trek Co Podcast
Nature junkies who dream of providing accessible experiences of healing, connection and adventure in the outdoors.
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
The Ozark Trail's Upper Current River Section
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
We're here, it's November, and acorns are falling from the sky.
Join Katy and Sam as the talk about one of their favorite sections of the Ozark Trail: The Upper Current River Section.
We talk a bit about the history of this section, and the hard work that went into taking it from a seed of an idea to the rugged beauty of a route it is today. Big thank you to Kathie Brennan of the Ozark Trail Association for providing us these insights to share!
Walk with us mile by mile as we recall our own experience and give you a good idea of what to expect from this very isolated and wild stretch of trail. This section really showcases some of the best the Ozarks has to offer, from the vibrant, spring-fed Current river, to the exaggerated hills, plentiful streams, ridgetop views, and our favorite rock feature that curves into the hillside.
It has plenty to offer both day hikers and section hikers, and we hope you'll check it out! When you do, breathe some thanks for the dedicated collaboration between the many different agencies involved, and years worth of blood, sweat, and aching muscles put in by the volunteers.
As always, thank you, we love you, we're sorry, and you're welcome!
Check out the:
Ozark Trail Association
L-A-D Foundation
Roger Pryor Pioneer Backcountry
Plan your trip on the Upper Current River Section
Have you hiked this section? Tell us about it! Send your stories, suggestions, questions, love mail or troll notes to:
Join the crickets on our very quiet socials:
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Ozark's Mountain Challenge: Mission Accomplished!
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Hello Mountain Lizards! Welcome to another episode of Highwater Trek Co's podcast, where we live to gab about all things outdoors and backpacking. Join our hosts as they reminisce on their experiences participating in the Ozark's Mountain Challenge, a 17 mile, all-ascent trail event that takes place in Sam A. Baker State Park in the beautiful hills of Southern Missouri. Participants had twelve hours to summit Mudlick Mountain 9 times, totaling 7980 feet, the equivalent of climbing Mt. Olympus.
The inaugural occasion brought together folks from all different walks of life with the sole mission to challenge oneself and to bring their best, and they did not disappoint. Goals were smashed and expectations were surpassed across the literal branding board of participants. And that was perhaps our favorite part of the experience; the kinship shared as determined humans fought up Mudlick Mountain, pushing past preconceived notions, and inspiring themselves and one another.
Tune in as we recall the success of the organizers in planning and hosting this mountainous event. From a well stocked swag bag to a delicious after dinner party (the bread!), we were beyond taken care of at every turn of the trail! And yes, we earned the coveted green hats! Berg Echse for life!
We also discuss what our futures hold (WITH SOME VERY BIG NEWS) and consider how and when we will conquer Mudlick Mountain once again.
We would encourage everyone and anyone to take the challenge for yourself! Next year's Ozark's Mountain Challenge is scheduled for May 3rd, 2025. Registration is now open!
Check out the event's FB for tons of deets:
Ozark's Mountain Challenge Facebook Event
Epic video of 2024 event can be found here!
The event's amazing host and organizer:
Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce
Gorgeous event location :
Sam A. Baker State Park
Awesome sponsor and nearby lodging option:
Otahki Lake KOA
We love the sponsors! A great dining option:
Wally B's Seafood & Steakhouse
Are you feelin' lizard like? Let us know about it!
You can also find us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Camino de Santiago: The Frances, The Portuguese, & The Variante Espiritual
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Hello Trekkies, our old friends! We've come to talk at you again....
Grab your passports and pack your bags with all your TSA approved items, because we're off to the Camino de Santiago!
Join Sam, Katy, and longtime friend of the show, creaky farm table, who had a lot to creak about in today's episode. We tried to edit out some creaks, but farm table refuses to be silenced, and who are we to censor our four-legged friend?
We're back from our hiatus (we missed you!) to tackle the rundown of Katy's 2023 experience on the Camino with her mama trekkie, which included around 150 miles of the Camino Frances, and close to the same mileage on the Portuguese Way and the beautiful alternate route, the Variante Espiritual.
We'll talk travel hassles, food, lodging, bathrooms, budgets---all the logistical wonders of planning a two-month long pilgrimage. We'll touch on the history of the Camino (St. James, is that you?) how it's changing, what it means to be a pilgrim purist, and how many options are available to help you make this unique experience your own.
Oh, and...sheep.
She is a loooong episode, and she still couldn't encompass the full experience, so keep an eye out on our socials for extra pictures and stories.
Considering your own Camino? Please feel free to reach out with any questions. You can email us at highwatertrekco@gmail.com
We will also link some helpful resources below.
As always, thank you, we love you! We really did miss you on our break.
Remember, we WILL be back, but moving forward we will putting out episodes monthly, rather than biweekly.
Follow us on:
Check out these resources:
American Pilgrims on the Camino Website
American Pilgrims on the Camino Facebook Group
Guide Book (for the Frances)
Sample gear list
Sample budget
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Follow him and keep up with what he has going on:
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Checking In
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Hello Trekkies!
We just wanted to pop in and check in with you all. We have been on a bit of an impromptu hiatus, and it's likely to continue for a little while longer. It has been such a bustling time of year, and although we had full intentions of keeping on with our regular podcasting schedule, the reality has altered those expectations.
It has always been important to us that the content we provide for you is the best quality we can manage, and we unfortunately haven't had the time to dedicate to make sure that what you listen to has value.
But even in our absence, please know how much we love and appreciate each of you for continuing to tune in!
We have some fun topics waiting in the wings, and we will be back when we're able to do them justice.
BY the way, for those of you who have been listening as we discussed the much anticipated Ozarks Mountain Challenge, we are happy to report that we both conquered Mt. Olympus!! Those green hats are everything we'd dreamed they'd be.
Until next time, happy Summer! Stay cool, and don't forget your tick checks!
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
21ish Questions for Katy
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Team Struggles is THE VIBE for this episode.
Disclaimer: our precious Michael got lost in the woods without his ten essentials, so he was unable to join us for recording, and the audio is not what it usually is. We did our best, but this one is probably better suited for headphones than car speakers. Just settle in, our dears, and visualize that you have called us to chat, and the connection is questionable, but our dazzling personalities keep you on that crackly line.
Katy is in the hot seat today as Sam asks 21...or maybe 23? very fun questions that cover everything from coveted gear, bucket list hikes, current favorite snacks, the songs that hype us up, and what we begrudgingly admit to loving about ourselves.
Is Team Giggles back full force, or is it mania?
We hope you enjoy this episode, despite the audio snafus. We sure did!
Did you know that's how you spell snafu? Did you know that a snafu is "a confused or chaotic state: a mess."? If you look it up, the photo of two women attempting to record a podcast is NOT us.
As always, thank you for tuning in! We're sorry. You're welcome. We love you. Come back.
And for our Active Aprilers: Keep going! You got this.
Send your love letters, hate mail, hype songs, questions, suggestions, threats, and detailed analyses of what we should be doing differently to:
Follow/Stalk us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Join Active April and make it Active Whenever I Want: HERE! Join HERE!
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Ozark Mountain Challenge: Training for Mudlick Mountain 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Highwater Trek Co is on a mission! Join us for today's episode as we are preparing for 9 ascents up Mudlick Mountain in the upcoming Ozark Mountain Challenge, taking place May 4th in Missouri's own Sam A. Baker State Park. Our hosts describe their individual training approaches to the almost 8000 foot climb, and discuss the work required to feel ready to conquer those 17 uphill miles. We also share our excitement for the wonderful energy and connections sure to be found at the challenge itself!
Check out the Ozark Mountain Challenge HERE
Our Active April Spring Challenge has only just begun! Sign up anytime and receive a free activity log to help you keep track!
You can also send questions, comments, suggestions, threats, or love letters to:
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Active April 2024 Spring Hiking Challenge
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Team Struggles is back to tell you all about our Spring Challenge for 2024: Active April!
Join Sam, Katy, and a very hungry dog who hasn't learned to chew with her mouth closed for this shortie episode. It's chock-full of giggles and nonsense before we finally get to the point--which is to tell you all about the Active April Challenge and the reasons behind the challenge being crafted in the way it is.
Starting April 1st (no fools), we'll be challenging ourselves AND YOU to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity hiking (or preferred activity) per WEEK. That's only about 21 minutes a day, Trekkies. We believe in you.
Sam talks us through the mental health benefits of time spent out in nature, and Katy gives a rundown on the benefits of cardiovascular activities for our bodies, and what exactly "moderate" means.
This challenge unites the practices of nature-time and aerobic exercise into a league of extraordinary benefits, and the result is a big ol' double dose of goodness for our whole ass selves.
You can also send questions, comments, suggestions, threats, or love letters to:
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Other links:
The Nature & Mental Health Episode
"Increased Physical Activity Associated with Lower Risk of 13 Types of Cancer"
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
21 Questions for Sam
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Welcome to the Highwater Trek Co podcast, where our hosts discuss all things backpacking plus more! Get to know the humans behind Highwater in today's episode, as Katy asks Sam 21 random questions related to hiking, and offers her own replies in return. Join us for this easy going episode as we consider our preferences and contemplate pet peeves pertaining to time spent on trail. And somehow along with footcare advice and satisfying trail snack ideas, we reveal glimpses of hopes and plans for the future. Do we get off topic and ramble at times? Yes. Has Sam already changed her mind about her answers in the short span of time since recording? Also yes. But at the end of the day, "We get to do this!"
What type of wild animal would you prefer to be mauled to death by?
Let us know!
Send your love letters, hate mail, words of advice, etc., to:
Find and follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Check out the Ozark Mountain Challenge HERE--please consider joining in the fun!
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
We're Back, Trekkies
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Sam and Katy are back in the hot seats.
Yes, actual hot seats as the sun pours through the windows on an unseasonably warm February day, sweating away as we dust Michael off and try to remember how to record a podcast. It's been a hot minute. And that is the last of the heat jokes.
Join us as we talk about where we've been, what we've been doing, why we aren't the same people, and what some of our hopes are for the future of this podcast and beyond!
We have grown, we have evolved, and you best believe we have big voluptuous dreams, baby.
We hope you'll join us on this journey. To everyone who has continued to listen: Thank you! We're sorry, you're welcome, and we love you. We can't promise you perfection, but we can promise you that we will always be striving for progress, authenticity, and connection in this corner of the world. Let's go!
Send your love letters, hate mail, questions, comments, suggestions, or detailed descriptions of your blisters to:
Find and follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Check out the Ozark Mountain Challenge HERE--please consider joining in the fun!
Other Links:
Camp Wyman
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Find the full version of the song on his latest album, "I'm Done Hiding", by clicking HERE
Stay up to date with what he has going on by following him on his socials:
Facebook @peterjlehmanmusic
Instagram @peterjlehmanmusic
TikTok @peterjlehmanmusic
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
We’re Taking a Break
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
My, what a lovely day…
The windows are open and the skies are noisy.
Join us, (Sam and Katy, in case you’re new here) at the creaky farm table once again for a chat about what we have going on in our lives and why…
We’re taking a break!
The wind joins us with gusto, a helicopter with no chill eavesdrops, and a new cat friend is eager to show off her bell ringing skills and voice occasional opinions.
Sam talks about her upcoming classes as she embarks on the next part of her educational journey—a masters program in counseling! The syllabus is a thing of beauty, as are her dreams and determination as she buckles in for this new expansion in her life and knowledge.
Katy and her anxiety talk about their impending international adventure with Mama trekkie to France/Spain, where 491 miles of the Camino de Santiago await their blissfully unaware feets. Will they make it? They don’t know, but they do know there’s a fountain of wine calling their name, and very likely some delicious cheese.
We are going to miss you all during this hiatus but rest assured, WE WILL BE BACK. So hold off on that sigh of relief and take this time to mentally fortify yourself for our return this fall.
As always, thank you so much for taking the time to listen. We appreciate all of you.
Thank you! We love you. We’re sorry. You’re so welcome.
If you find yourself pining for us, let us know! Our inbox is ready for your truest expressions of love.highwatertrekco@gmail.com
Follow us on:
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and to keep up with what he has going on: @peterjlehmanmusic