Highwater Trek Co Podcast
This recipe is very forgiving, and adaptable to your own flavor preferences. A favorite of my whole family!
Trail Tropical Rice
Makes 2 Servings
1 Cup Dehydrated or Instant Rice*
½ Cup Dehydrated Shrimp (Or chicken, etc.) *
½ Cup Dehydrated Pineapple *
½ Cup Dehydrated Veggies (Onions, Garlic, Carrots, Peas, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Broccoli, Celery, whatever you like)*
Slice(s) of Dried Lime**
2 Cups Water for Rehydrating
2 Bouillon Cubes
Add On Toppings To Taste:
Dried Coconut
Golden Raisins
Cashews (Any nut could work)
Dried Cilantro
Soy Sauce
Anything Else You Like!
Combine the first 7 ingredients in cook pot and let stand and soak for 5 minutes.
Start stove, bring water to boil, and cook for 1 minute, stirring occasionally.
Turn off heat, insulate pot (I just wrap my towel,) and let soak for 10 more minutes.
Add your preferred toppings, stir, and enjoy!
*Dehydrated Ingredients: How To-
I would dehydrate all of the above ingredients at once in my inexpensive dehydrator, and let it run for approximately 6-8 hours, or as long as necessary. Swap trays occasionally during dry time, and remove foods as they are finished.
Rice - Rice (unless using instant) should be seasoned and cooked as you normally prefer it, and then spread to dry in an even layer over parchment paper or mats on your dehydrator tray. Break chunks apart occasionally during drying process.
Shrimp – Use precooked frozen shrimp, or canned. Let thaw or drain. Slice shrimp in half and spread in even layers on dehydrator tray. Dry until shrimp are crispy, as if they could be shattered with a hammer.
Pineapple – Cut fresh pineapple in thin slices and spread to dry on dehydrator trays. Thinner slices will dry faster.
Veggies – Normally I would blanch most veggies before drying, but since this dish required the veggies to be cooked for a bit during rehydration, I skip the blanching beforehand. Slice veggies in thin pieces and spread over trays. Dry until crispy and no moisture remains in the food.
**Dried lime optional. Limes require longer drying times.