Highwater Trek Co Podcast
Nature junkies who dream of providing accessible experiences of healing, connection and adventure in the outdoors.
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Welcome back Highwater Trekkies! It is once again time for a brand spankin' new episode. Join our hosts as they take a deep dive into the topic of hydration, and how to utilize beverages to best serve us as we adventure on trail and beyond. Tune in as Katy gives us an education about our own bodies' biological mechanisms that play a role in hydration, and how osmoality runs the show. Sam gives us the scoop on which beverages and foods are the most hydrating, with some surprising results. Our hosts also discuss the individual variables that affect hydration needs, as well as learn about the unique experience of hydration for women. Join the conversation as we explore how to work with our own physiology to properly hydrate (and talk a whole bunch about sodium.)
Questions? Comments? Concerned if Sam has a pulse?
Write us! We would love to hear from you.
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and to keep up with what he has going on:
You can find the interviews with Dr. Sam Cheuvront and Dr. Robert Kenefick on The Science of Ultra Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, or by visiting the episode website links:
Episode 4: Hydration Physiology: The Basics
Episode 7: Hydration Physiology: Application
Find the work of Dr. Stacy Sims by visiting her WEBSITE
Check out her book “Roar: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life” on Amazon
Listen to her interviews on:
The Proof with Simon Hill Podcast, Episode 259: Hydration for Optimal Health and Performance
The Physical Performance Show, Episode 207: Expert Edition: Stacy Sims, PhD, Female Physiology and Endurance Training
Read more about the differences between men and women’s thermoregulation:”Sex differences in the physiological adaptations to heat acclimation: a state-of-the-art review”
And last but not least! Check out GearSkeptic’s series on Performance Nutrition for Backpackers on YouTube
Please note: the above link is for the playlist of all videos in this series, but if you’re looking for hydration specific, check out Part 3: Hydration strategies and Part 4: Electrolyte Balance.
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Trailments: Dehydration and Heat Illness
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Welcome Back Trekkies!
Take off your boots and stretch your toes, because we're back with our second installment of our Trailments Series!
Join Sam, Katy, a creaky table, some aggressively rolly chairs, and the a/c that refused to be silenced by noise reduction techniques as we discuss dehydration and heat illness: just in time for the dog days of summer.
Grab your water bottle and settle in for the crowning achievement of Katy's life--the opportunity to ramble about dehydration. We get an overview of what it is, what's happening inside our bodies when we're dehydrated, what factors may make us more susceptible, how we can prevent and treat it when we're heading out on trail, and how to avoid hyponatremia in our quest to stay hydrated. We also talk about electrolytes-- how they don't have to be complicated or expensive to help us absorb fluid optimally, and touch on the importance of proper prior planning when it comes to your hydration needs.
In a related, and terrifying vein, Sam takes us on a journey through the different faces of heat illness, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and heat syncope. Revel in the unrivaled cooling abilities of evaporation with us, develop new anxiety over what happens when it's too hot for our system to keep up, and learn how to treat heat illnesses. We also talk about heat rash and debate what exactly a groin entails.
Stay cool out there Trekkies. Keep an eye on each other and remember: if you encounter a hiker on trail who is naked and fanning themselves, don't judge. They may be trying to treat heat illness. You could offer help, but perhaps offer it from a distance, in case they're just weird.
As always, thank you! We're sorry. And you're welcome.
Do you know what a groin is? Send the answer, your love letters, questions, comments, or hate mail to:
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and to keep up with what he has going on:
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Social Media vs Reality
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Summertime is in full swing here in the Ozarks, and the swelter is our companion on today's episode as we tackle the at-times contentious topic of how backpacking and nature are represented on social media. We ponder if backpacking is accurately portrayed, and does social media lead to unrealistic expectations? Do content creators bear any responsibility to be transparent or to educate? We dive into the implications of modern nature photography, and the possible resulting effects of different photographic approaches. We also discuss the immense growth of the hiking hobby, and consider the consequential commercialization amongst other outcomes.
Tune in to hear our take as we examine our own intentions and purposes in today's ever expanding technological age. We recognize the ability of social media to do great good, yet seek true purpose offline and are not comfortable signing over personal autonomy to internet strangers. So while social media can be and is a wonderful tool when utilized properly, we hope to be only inspired and not influenced.
Send us a love letter XOXO
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and to keep up with what he has going on:
Understanding the Role of Social Media in Backpacker Tourism
Is Nature Photography Too Beautiful?
Hikers for an 8th Leave No Trace Principle
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Post Trail Blues
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Team Giggles is back to tackle a not-so-giggly subject: Post Trail Depression.
We've all been there--wrapping up a backpacking trip riding an adventure high, only to descend into melancholy after returning home. Join us as we explore where this phenomenon potentially comes from and ways we can try to cope with the often tough transition from trail life back to "real life".
We talk about the parallels between Post Trail Blues, Post Race Blues, and Post Adrenalin blues, shamelessly fangirl over Dr. Anne K. Baker and her impressive research on this subject, and are joined by a rotund fly who would not allow his operatic debut to go unnoticed.
We discuss the significance of the identity we develop on trail, and how perhaps holding on to this trail self can help ease the loss of all the things about being on trail that we love and desperately miss when we re-enter society.
We delve into our own experiences as well, discussing what the after-trail funk is like for us, and how the way Dr. Baker reframes this sensation as grief rather than depression strongly resonates for each of us.
As always, thank you for tuning in! We hope this episode holds some value for you.
Remember, if you are struggling, you are not alone. Please don't hesitate to seek extra support. One free option available 24/7, is the Crisis Text Line. Just text "HELLO" to 741741 at any time and you will be connected with a trained listener.
Take care of yourselves, Trekkies!
Send your Trail Blues stories, your love letters, hate mail, questions, comments, suggestions, and boot-shaped confetti to:
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and to keep up with what he has going on:
And just in case you missed it, here is the episode on:
Nature and Mental Health
Do you want to join the Dr. Baker fan club? Check out her articles and interviews:
Post Trail Depression: It's Not What You Think
Trail Science: Grief, Depression, and Identity in the Time of COVID-19
(The following podcast interviews can be found on Apple, Spotify & other platforms)
Backpacker Radio Podcast, Episode #80: Dr. Anne Baker on Post-Trail Depression
Outside/In Podcast: "Even Hikers Get The Blues"
Other resources:
Post Adrenalin Blues by Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.D.
Understanding the Post-Race Blues by David Roche
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Trailments: Infections and Allergens
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Welcome back Trekkies! Join Team Giggles (and an abundance of song birds) for some front porch sittin' as they discuss physical ailments that can put a damper on your trail time, and can even result in dangerous outcomes.
Katy dives into the immune's lymphatic system, and explains the biological processes behind infection. Tune in to hear the scoop on how to prevent and treat infections while out in the wilderness, as well as Katy's disdain for the word "Pus." Sam discusses the best ways to fend off allergens on trail, and how to cope with allergic reactions when they do occur. And while both conditions are generally mild and manageable, our hosts acknowledge the possible critical nature of these trailments and discuss best practices in worst case scenarios.
And while our hosts may never get to ride on the Magic School Bus, they hope their explorations of biological processes would make Ms. Frizzle proud!
Reach out and let us know that you are listening! Do you have any grody infection stories to share? Do you hate us and feel the need to let us know? Drop us a line! We would love to hear from you!
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Join us in the Movement for Mental Health! This Challenge will remain open indefinitely. Register for free and check out our merch HERE
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and keep up with what he has in the works, @peterjlehmanmusic
Gross yet inspirational infected blister on AT hiker can be found here:
Be warned! Intense Infection Post
Thursday May 25, 2023
Looking Back on 20 Episodes
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
20 Episodes, WHAAAAT?
Highwater Trek Co's 20th Episode has come and gone.
Join us as we look back over the last 20 episodes and reflect on all we've learned, things we wish we'd done differently, and our hopes for the future!
We (and the creaky farm table) converse about our desire to be more naturally--conversational, our biggest challenges, having the confidence to own this space and do less self-censoring, our favorite and least favorite episodes, the things we are proud of, and the things we hope to improve moving forward.
A special thanks to the listeners who have stuck with us thus far as we've continued to hone our technical skills, learned many lessons about ourselves and tried out some different episode formats. This podcast is nothing, if not an evolution, and we are so thankful you are here with us.
As always, we welcome your questions, comments, suggestions, stories, love letters, and hate mail! Let us know what areas you think we can improve by emailing us at:
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Join us in the Movement for Mental Health! This Challenge will remain open indefinitely. Register for free and check out our merch HERE
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram to find his singles and albums, and keep up with what he has in the works, @peterjlehmanmusic
Find more info on the Twin Pines Conservation Education Center
Friday May 12, 2023
Lessons Learned, Pieces of Advice, & Grains of Salt
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Welcome back to Highwater Trek Co's podcast, where we discuss all things hiking!
As recounted in today's episode, Katy recently had the experience of leading backpacking novices through a tough Ozark section of trail. Her adventure led our hosts to ponder what they believe to be the most important advice for beginners, and the lesson learning required of them to reach these conclusions.
Tune in to hear Team Giggles discuss honoring your body, keeping expectations in check, and leaving room for the unknown while backpacking. Our hosts also offer practical advice for keeping your feet happy on trail, cutting weight from packs, and being properly prepared yet adaptable.
And while our hosts feel passionate about their message, they also believe that advice should be taken with a grain of salt. So while they may offer guidance, they recognize that each individual hiker is unique, and some of the most important lessons from the trail can only be learned through time and experience.
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Send your biggest trail pet peeves, questions, comments, suggestions, stories, love letters, or hate mail to:
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram: @peterjlehmanmusic
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Solo Section Hike on the Ouachita Trail
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Welcome back, Highwater Trekkies!
Buckle up and settle in friends, for Katy's chaotic and "like"-riddled account of her first solo section hike.
Katy chronicles in rambling and unfocused detail, what went into planning her first solo section hike and her first backpacking trip with her dog in tow, why she chose the Ouachita, and how it all went.
Follow along as she hikes in the wrong direction, meets Mustache, questions whether or not she actually died the first night, seriously overthinks an interaction with a fellow hiker following a mildly-stressful river crossing, and trudges through the rain to be rewarded with a super extended snack break.
Can you listen as patiently as Sam?
As always, thank you for tuning in! We're sorry and you're welcome.
PLEASE consider joining the Spring Challenge if you haven't already! You can register for free HERE
Follow us on:
Instagram: @highwatertrekco
Facebook: @highwatertrekco
Send your most awkward trail interactions, questions, comments, suggestions, stories, love letters or hate mail to:
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by the talented Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram: @peterjlehmanmusic
The links we promised:
Like, Subscribe, Follow...do all the things for the most delightful Mustache you'll meet on trail: Mustache's YouTube Channel
Thank you to our very first participant to register for the Spring Challenge! Check out her ART HERE!!
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Water, Ticks, Snakes, and Bears, Oh My!
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Welcome to the latest episode of the Highwater Trek Co podcast! In today's episode, our hosts will discuss some common hazards one may encounter on an Ozarks trail in the springtime and year round. Join in as the conversation starts with water crossing safety, and continues as we discuss several critters that bite.
Sam gives us the scoop on our slithery snake friends, and discusses tips to navigate water crossings safely. Katy serves the lowdown on the most disliked critter to be found in the Ozarks: Ticks. Though these creepers may strike fear into our hearts, Katy breaks down the life cycle of these "Velociraptors of the Ozarks" and provides information on how to keep the little buggers at bay. She also discusses the populations of bears that reside in the Ozarks, who are often unreasonably feared.
The hosts also consider other critters to be on the lookout for, and (after a few mentions of the traumatizing nature of Old Yeller) discuss how to keep your own pet healthy and safe from disease.
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Send your biggest trail pet peeves, questions, comments, suggestions, stories, love letters, or hate mail to:
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram: @peterjlehmanmusic
Info from Episode:
Missouri Share the Harvest Program
National Snakebite Support
Snakebite Recovery Position
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Trail Etiquette
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Highwater Trek Co's Sam and Katy are back to talk trail etiquette, do's and don't's, the principles of Leave No Trace, and how to avoid being dubbed the trail nincompoop.
Have you ever wondered how not to be a dipsh*t on trail? Well set your fears of ineptitude aside and open your ears, because we did some digging, and we're here to share what we found! Join us as we talk about trail right-of-ways, advocating for your pet, proper primitive pooping, and how to be a considerate human being in the backcountry.
If in doubt, read the room! Or trail. Or campsite. Remember what Emily Post says: "Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use".
*Please Note* you probably figured this out on your own, but when Katy excitedly announced "NUMBER FIVE" and then failed to tell you what that was before diving in--it was the Leave No Trace Principle "Minimize Campfire Impacts". Sorry about that.
DON'T FORGET! Our Spring Challenge begins April 1st. Keep your eyeballs peeled for more details to be announced soon.
As always, thank you for tuning in! We're sorry and you're welcome.
Follow us on:
Instagram @highwatertrekco
Facebook @highwatertrekco
Send your biggest trail pet peeves, questions, comments, suggestions, stories, love letters, or hate mail to:
Theme song "Ozark Stomp" by Peter J. Lehman. Give him a follow on Instagram: @peterjlehmanmusic